My Passover recipes will take your gluten free Seder to the next level of healthy!
Healthy Passover Recipes
This time of year, the requests for Pesach dishes come in a mile a minute.
So, I’m sharing my gluten free Seder menu here to give you a peek at the Passover meals we have each year.
Gluten Allergy? No Passover Problem!
I created this gluten free menu full of my favorite classic Passover food after I was diagnosed with celiac disease.
It’s also perfect for our friends who suffer from a gluten allergy.
Just so you know, I follow a keto-ish diet so these are all low carb Passover recipes as well.
Low Carb Recipes for Passover
I hope you enjoy these Pesah family favorites at your Seder!
Charoset Recipe
How to Boil Eggs
Gluten Free Matzo
Chicken Marbella
Gefilte Fish
Aparagus Salad with Tomatoes and Basil
Gluten Free Matzo Ball Soup
Gluten Free Kugel
Gluten Free Coconut Macaroons
Kosher Desserts
Did you know that all of the baked goods recipes on my website are kosher for Passover?
That’s because they do not contain chametz. Take a look at my best Passover Dessert Recipes for more ideas!
Seder Plate Items
If you’re not familiar with preparing a gluten free Seder, take a look at my Favorite Passover Ingredients post to get started!
Passover the Feast of Unleavened Bread
Now, moving on from food to some other Pesach items. Wondering why Passover is referred to as the feast of unleavened bread?
When we were enslaved in Egypt, there was not enough time to let bread rise before fleeing through the desert and crossing the Red Sea.
Because of this, when we celebrate Passover, we refrain from eating leavened bread for seven days, commemorating our freedom.
When Does Passover Start
Although the dates change annually, Passover is always seven days long and starts on the 15th day of the month of Nissan on the Hebrew calendar. This date typically falls in March or April.
When Does Passover End
The 22nd day of the month of Nissan on the Hebrew calendar is always the last day of Passover.
Do Jewish People Celebrate Easter
I’m often asked, do Jewish people celebrate Easter? That’s a bit tricky. The point of Easter is to celebrate Christ, and Jews do not believe that the Messiah has come yet, so the two holidays are not necessarily compatible.
But, I do confess, my Mother might have snuck us a bit of Easter candy here and there some years, as we lived on the West Coast and were drowning in Christian holidays, with few Jews in our town.
Happy Passover Images
I love looking at old Passover images of items like the Seder plate above that my husband made when he was 8 years old –we still use it today.
I’m always snapping great photos like that one and sharing them over on my Instagram.
What’s Your Favorite Part of Passover?
When I was diagnosed with celiac disease, I knew I’d have to create Passover classics from my low carb and keto recipes. Healthy and hearty, just the way Bubby made them, only better.
What’s your favorite part of Pesach? Leave a comment and let me know!
This post is an oldie but goodie from the archives. I first shared my Healthy Passover Recipes in 2012.
IleneG says
Just glanced at the recipes and was taken back to “the old days”…. Will definitely make the matza ball soup, macaroons, gefilte fish (yum) and carrot kugel.
Thank you for bringing back some forgotten memories…
Elana says
Ilene, thanks for your sweet comment!
simple promise ring says
Thank you so much for the gluten free recipes. I have gluten intolerance and recipes like these help me out a lot.
Elana says
You’re very welcome!
Barbara says
Hi Elana,
The picture of your beautiful table is so inviting! Thank you for these wonderful recipes. I have purchased two of your books and have made recipes from them and also from your blog. All have been delicious and healthy! Thanks so much!
Elana says
Barbara, thank you for the kind comment! I’m so happy to hear that you think my recipes are wonderful and glad you have my book :-)
Rita Silver says
Hi Elana,
Happy Passover, wishing you a glorious, and healthy holiday.
I’ve been gluten and dairy free for over 20 years( needed to).
No matzo balls, matzo or matzo brie for me, though I make it for everyone else.
So happy to have all your Passover recipes, what a treat.
I follow you, your books, and I am now an almond, coconut, baker, thanks to you!
I appreciate everything you do, knowing you struggle with health issues.
Please take care and enjoy.
Elana says
Rita, thank you for your kind comment! I’m so glad to hear that you’re happy to have my recipes!
Esther Wohl says
I dont found all the pessach desserts list last week it was on your page. Can you send it to me
Elana says
Esther, we’ve updated this page. Is there a recipe that you were interested in in particular? If so I am happy to help you find it :-)
Estelle says
Can I swap In almond flour for matzo meal in an apple cake recipe??
Estelle says
Should have said cake meal. Sorry
Elana says
Estelle, no problem :-)
Elana says
Estelle, I haven’t tried that so not sure. Here’s a link to one of my cake recipes that you might like to make:
Moira says
I just want to say a general “thank you” for all of your delicious, easy, and sensible recipes and menus, not just for those related to holidays and special times. I appreciate the work you put in on your end to make our lives more healthful and delicious!
Elana says
Moira, thanks for your wonderful comment! I’m so happy to hear you find my recipes and menus delicious, easy, and sensible. Hugs, and Happy Passover to you and yours :-)
Daphne says
Hi Elana,
I just came across your site and I have developed food allergies over time that are serious enough that the side effects take days to wear off. I had to quit dairy, beef, lamb, all poultry, wheat and oats. I have tried to reintroduce these items but my body declares war. I was sufffering from respiratory distress, eczema, chronic cold sores and caught every cold and flu. I had gained weight that was causing high blood pressure. Since I quit these foods, I am better but not perfect yet. I lost 40 pounds and am on the lowest dose of blood pressure medication.
I am excited to try some of your recipes to see if I further improve. People like you who develop these recipes and generously share them with the world are invaluable people. Thank you for spending your time supporting others.
Daphne- Canada
Elana says
Daphne, thanks so much for sharing your health journey with me. I’m so sorry to hear about all that you have been through. One other item that’s helped me quite a bit that you might like to look into is electromagnetic radiation in your living environment. Here’s more information on it:
I hope you’ll keep me posted on your progress!
Andy $ Robin Cox says
Hello Elana, my name is Andy. I don’t remember how I found your website but I’m thankful I did. I have suffered with allergic reactions to dairy & wheat for years & as you can imagine it’s been very miserable. I have downloaded every recipe of yours I could find and am enjoying them every day. I experienced a severe brain injury seven years ago in an accident with many broken bones all over my body, survived when they said I wouldn’t, but it has complicated life for me. I follow a Ketogenic diet as well to help my balance, a complication from the brain injury. Thank you so much for your dedication & hard work putting these recipes together. No telling how many you have helped. Know that it is appreciated.
Elana says
Hi Andy, thanks so much for your wonderful comment. I’m sorry to hear about all that you have been through, but glad that we met here and that we are on this healing path together :-)