I’ve made bone broth on the stove top and in my slow cooker for decades. It’s delicious, but it makes our house smell like a bone broth factory. Not good! I’ve solved this problem and now I want to help you too. That’s why I’m going to teach you how to make bone broth in the Instant Pot.
How to Make Bone Broth in the Instant Pot
Making bone broth in the Instant Pot is super easy. Feel free to skip the step of roasting the beef bones to make your beef bone broth. I roast them because it creates a deep rich flavor for the broth, and I don’t mind taking the extra time to do it.
Use an Acid to Make Bone Broth
I use apple cider vinegar in my bone broth recipe because the acid in the vinegar helps to release minerals and other nutrients from the bones. Don’t worry, you can’t taste the vinegar in the final product. This recipe is for beef bone broth. If you need chicken stock, see my post called How to Make Bone Broth from Chicken.
The Best Store-Bought Bone Broth
If you’re too busy you can buy a fantastic bone broth product from Kettle & Fire. I like their beef bone broth, but am absolutely obsessed with their chicken broth and often drink it plain with a pinch of salt before dinner.
How to Make Bone Broth in the Instant Pot
- 4 pounds beef bones
- 1 onion, cut in half
- 1 head garlic, cut in half (no need to peel)
- 1 bay leaf
- 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
- 1 teaspoon celtic sea salt
- water to fill line of Instant Pot
- Place beef bones on a baking sheet
- Roast at 350°F for 60 minutes
- Remove bones from oven and transfer to Instant Pot
- Place onion, garlic, bay leaf, vinegar, and salt in Instant Pot
- Fill the Instant Pot with water until just below the “max fill line”
- Put on the lid and lock to close
- Set to manual high pressure for 90 minutes
- Release pressure, then remove lid and allow to cool
- Strain mixture into 3 one quart mason jars
- Refrigerate for 4 days, or freeze for up to 6 months
Pre-Heating the Instant Pot
The Instant Pot takes time to get to high pressure. If a recipe says cook for one hour at high pressure, give yourself an extra 10-30 minutes for the cooker to pre-heat. When the cooker says “on” but doesn’t yet display the time you entered it is pre-heating.
How to Use the Instant Pot
If you’re still feeling overwhelmed, I have created a fantastic Instant Pot cheat sheet for you called How to Use the Instant Pot. It includes a handy chart explaining all of the buttons on the front of the Instant Pot. Many readers tell me they print it out and put it on the fridge.
Free exclusive eBook, plus recipes and health tips, delivered to your inbox.
How to Strain Bone Broth
I use the same bowl, strainer, and funnel every time I make bone broth and these tools work like magic! I often use the same beef bones several times. I throw everything back in the pot and add more vinegar, salt, and water. These extra batches are not quite as strong but still very good.
How to Freeze Bone Broth in Mason Jars
If you’re going to freeze your bone broth, do not fill the mason jars all the way to the top. Leave space for the broth to expand when it’s frozen.
Easy Soup Recipes Made with Bone Broth
Here are some of my soup recipes that use bone broth:
This post is an oldie but goodie from the archives. I first shared this recipe in February 2017.
Susan says
Thank-you for your complete explanation of how to use the instant pot. I just got my instant pot and find so much recipe information a bit on the vague side. I really love that you created a instant pot cheat sheet to explain all of the buttons. Bless you Elana! I have shared your blogs and recipes and cook books with so many people- I wish you all the best❣️
Elana says
Susan, thanks so much for your super sweet words, so glad to be on this healthy living journey with you :-)
Jule says
I have not heard of roasting the bones before cooking in water, is there a reason for this ?
Thank you for the recipes.
Elana says
Jule, thanks for your comment! I cover that in the second paragraph of the post :-)
Susan Faber says
Hi Jule. If I am starting with a package of raw beef bones, I do like to roast them first. I think the flavor is better. If I am using bones from meat that has already been cooked, like from a roast or steak that we had for a meal, then I do not roast the bones. Maybe you could try doing it both ways and see which way you like it best (OR— “Which way will save me the most time because I have a thousand things to do today and I need to get supper ready early, drop off the kids at three different places, clean the attic, do the wash, go to a meeting, have a doctor appointment, need to buy groceries, the water heater is leaking”……….Well, you know the drill!!! Have a pleasant day!
Elana says
Thanks Susan! I LOVE it when my readers chat here with each other :-)
Erin says
I’m laughing so hard at the bone broth factory comment as that’s how I always feel when i make bone broth! After making it for years in the slow cooker, I’ve also switched over to the IP for convenience, but it still make my house smell like a bone broth factory for at least a day or two. This week, I decided to bring the IP out back and cook my bone broth there. I’ve finally found a solution to making as much bone broth as I want and not have my house smell! Thanks for sharing (and the laugh;)
Elana says
Erin, this is one of my all-time favorite comments on the website! Thank you for making me smile :-)
Susan Faber says
A good way to get rid of the bone broth factory smell is to use lemon and/or orange essential oil in a diffuser. It works great for all kinds of kitchen “hangover” smells.
Elana says
Thanks Susan! Quick note to readers, some of us, including myself that have MCS and are highly sensitive to chemicals are also allergic to even the purest essential oils when diffused.
Kathleen says
Where do you get your beef bones from? I know you’re suppose to use a variety. Thanks for the recipe.
Elana says
I get mine from Whole Foods or Alfalfa’s in Boulder :-)
Elizabeth Vincent says
So I’ve never bought beef bones. What should I ask for at Whole Foids? And are they going to look at me like I’m crazy?
Elana says
Elizabeth, thanks for your question! All you have to do is ask the butcher at the meat counter for the best bones for making bone broth and they will tell you in what to purchase based on what they have. Personally, I like knuckles and joints. If you’re making chicken bone broth chicken feet are the best –super rich in collagen! LMK if you have any other questions :-)
Joan Cortez says
My dog has cancer. I want to make her bone broth. Is there anything I should do different? What kind of beef bones?
Elana says
Joan, thanks for your comment and I’m so sorry to hear about your dog. I haven’t had a dog since I was a little girl, so not sure what’s best to feed them in terms of this bone broth. I hope you’ll keep me posted on how your furry lovebug is doing :-)
Carol says
Hi Elana,
Thanks for all the awesome recipes! I don’t see celery or carrots in your beef bone stock recipe. I always add those to my chicken stock. Is there a reason you don’t put them in beef broth? I’ve got some bones in the oven now. Excited to get the stock made! I normally do chicken, but want to add more beef to my regimen. Thank you so much!
Elana says
Carol, there won’t be any issue with adding carrots and celery to this recipe, it will add more flavor and nutrients :-)
Sandy Austin says
I’m a newbie to Instant Pot. Bought it for bone broth and soups. Elana I haven’t had anything beef for decades but want the nutritional value. Can I assume drinking the beef broth will enable me to avoid actually eating beef? Sounds silly but I want it both ways if possible. Thanks for all you do.
Elana says
Sandy, thanks for your comment! I think drinking bone broth is a fantastic way to get the nutrients of beef :-)
Michelle says
Hi Elana,
Thank you for your kind reply and the link to your post re: how to use the Instant Pot, I really appreciate it. I am going to get myself one of those Instant pots and make some broth (and other recipes too).
Have a great day with kindest regards,
Elana says
Michelle, you’re welcome!
Donna Welborn says
I’m confused…I used grass-fed beef bones that had bone marrow in them from a trusted farm. My broth is very pale and didn’t become gel-like when refrigerated. Any idea what is wrong?
Elana says
Donna, did you use the full amount of apple cider vinegar?
Susan says
Hi again Elana,
Sorry that I wasn’t clear — yes I do refrigerate the chicken stock before de-fatting, at least overnight or longer, but it’s still the way that I described (and actually the more solid fat layer stays soft-ish and never gets hard like it does for beef stock). The fat seems to separate into a semi-firm layer and some stays liquid right underneath that. Maybe what I think is fat is not?
Chicken stock always does this for me, no matter whether I just use carcass, added backs, etc, and I always add feet, necks (and sometimes a few ruminant bones if any are handy). Also, my chicken stock never gels regardless of how much joint material I use.
Elana says
Susan, the fat is always a yellow layer on top of my chicken stock. Are you using an acid when you make yours?