I made my own raw goat cheese from scratch! The amazing Patrick brought over some raw goat’s milk from one of his farm friends and that’s where it all began…
And now I can say I’m totally digging this homemade goat cheese, it’s deliciously addicting –at least for me. We’re back from California, hence the previous sentence using words such as “totally digging.”
I had a wonderful time in Los Angeles working with The Almond Board to promote healthy eating. I also had so much fun meeting so many of you at the book signing at Erewhon! Finally, hanging with my parents was great and very relaxing. Many delicious salads were made together and much fresh California fruit was consumed. Great trip all around!
Here’s my recipe for homemade goat cheese. Enjoy!
Homemade Goat Cheese
- ½ gallon goat's milk, I used raw from a friend of a friend's farm
- 10 grams yogourmet yogurt starter, 2 packs
- In a large saucepan, heat milk to 110°, stirring constantly
- Pour milk into a vitamix, then add yogurt starter and blend on high for 10 seconds
- Blending the milk removes any clumps that the yogurt starter may form
- Pour milk into yogourmet yogurt maker and turn machine on
- Leave yogurt in machine for 12 hours, longer is ok too
- Pour yogurt into cheese cloth lined colander and allow to drain for 8 hours in refrigerator
- Lift cheese cloth off of colander and scrape creamy cheese off onto a plate
- Transfer creamy cheese into a pint mason jar
- Serve with Rosemary Crackers
My goat cheese was just a tad less firm than the kind you can buy at the store, though I think if I had strained it longer I could have gotten it more firm.
I’m sure you can make yogurt without all the gadgets I mention above, though you’ll probably need to do an Internet search for some alternative directions –this is my method and the one that I am familiar with. If anyone else has other methods, feel free to chime in with a comment.
Kirsten says
I think this would be the perfect snack to make. I love goat cheese and so does my mom. We have been looking for recipes for goat cheese for a long time. Thank you Elana.
april says
Have been making yogurt for awhile; originally inspired by David Frankhauser’s cheese page-very cool. I used to do several jars in my oven on the “keep warm” setting, approx. 120 degrees. Raises the utility bill a bit, but helps to do big batches.
Jenn AKA The Leftover Queen says
I love making my own goat cheese! Yours looks wonderful and creamy!
shannon abdollmohammadi says
how lucky you are to have a farmer friend with premium goat milk. I usually get mine from Whole Foods, but still not “farm fresh”. Your recipe is wonderful and the culinary possibilities are endless!!!
Brandon May says
I’m am totally loving you right now! I do have a good, clean source of raw goat’s milk, and I think I’m going back to get some just for this recipe.
Ruth J. Hirsch says
Dear Elana,
Welcome home. Glad it was a good trip.
While I do have a Yogourmet yogourt maker, a wonderful gift, I have been leaving it in the pantry. I switched to making it in the oven using the lightbulb as a constant heat source. It has been amazing. I stopped bothering, but for quite a while, would put the sensor for my digital thermometer in the yogurt, the readout on a surface nearby. The temp would stay at 100 degrees, f, not varying bec the lightbulb of course, does not vary the output of heat. To give full credit, it was Esther of Digestive Wellness, who sells yogurt makers, who suggested this.
Also, if someone does want a yogourt maker, there is an interesting one I found on-line, and, far as I know, now sold at Digestive Wellness. It comes with jars, however, it also accepts most any size jar you’d like to use in it–even quite large ones.
Many thanks, as ever, for your on-going generosity,
Judith Yamada says
Hi Elena,
Your cheese looks delicious. I’m on a cheesemaking kick,also. Recently made a simple ricotta recipe that I found at David Bleckman’s website, http://www.joyofcheesemaking.com
It was delicious and I used it for “Baked Ricotta”. After the cheese drains for the proscribed time, you mix it with around 1/2 cup of chopped fresh herbs (I used basil, parsley, and oregano), some salt and freshly ground pepper. Then press it into a 9 inch greased pie pan and brush with evoo. Bake at 350 for around 45-50 minutes, cool 15 minutes and cut in wedges to serve. Great with olives, salad and a glass of vino.
~M says
Hey Elana,
My guess is you could use a crockpot in lieu of a yogurt maker. Crockpot365 has instructions about how to make yogurt in a crockpot.
Also, I thought you might want to enter this post into this contest…it’s definitely “cool goat stuff”:
Sunny B says
~M, you are officially my hero of the day! Yogurt in a crockpot? Fantastic. Especially given my daughters milk allergy, this will be a great way to not only indulge on this yummy goats milk cheese recipe, but to also make her some creamy decadent home-made yogurt and ice cream. So excited! Thank you.
glutenfreechow says
I love homemade cheese! I have tried this with store bought ultra-pasteurized goats milk, and it does not work…so you must use raw.
CJ Chard says
I have been told that you should use the pasteurized but NOT the ultra pasteurized goat milk, and, if you use raw goats milk it will not last as long.
CJ says
You do not have to use raw milk, just get regular pasteurized goat milk, NOT ultra…and no, it will not work with ultra pasteurized.
Claire says
Hi there – what a fab recipe!
I make my own cream cheese from yoghurt when I have too much in the fridge (ok so it is not really ‘making’!) – just stir in a couple of pinches of sea salt, put it into a cheesecloth (or I use an old but much washed linen cloth) in a colander (or I hang over the sink overnight in winter) tied loosely at the top overnight.
Yummy, especially if you use Greek-style natural yoghurt. Works with the low fat stuff too, just slightly sharper taste and not quite such a stiff consistency.
Both lovely with fresh herbs chopped in, currently loving wild garlic which is just coming to the end of the season here in UK. Also delicious with chopped chives and a few pretty purple chive flowers strewn artfully about ;o)
x Claire