Recently I’ve had thoughts on Valentine’s Day. I loved it when the boys were growing up. Back then we made heart shaped Sugar Cookies, handmade paper cards, and one year, sewed Valentine’s by hand. Now they’re both in college, and Valentine’s Day is a little different.
Thoughts On Valentine’s Day
This year was our second empty nest Valentine’s Day. We had quite a bit of excitement prior to V-Day, so I thought staying in for leftovers and watching Narcos was quite romantic.
The Day After Valentine’s Day
But, when we woke up the next day. Mr. Pantry said he “didn’t do enough” for it. Never mind that we exchanged love notes and he sent me red roses. Far more than expected!
Make Your Own Valentine’s Celebration
I assured Mr. Pantry that as a curmudgeonly intellectual I don’t consider Valentine’s Day an actual holiday. Also, I was raised by parents who wouldn’t let us buy gifts for them– a very low key family.
Celebrate Love Everyday
We were back on the same page and talked about the fact that we don’t need a holiday to celebrate something we can do every day, i.e., LOVE.
The Pantry Family? A Stubborn Bunch!
And how does this photo with my sweetheart relate to it all? It’s from last Christmas in Cabo. We had gone on a fantastic walk on the beach and got into an argument 20 minutes later. Why? Because we are the two most stubborn people I know.
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Life’s Complexities = Photo?
Life is a wild ride –nothing is as it seems, and its complexities can’t be caught in a snapshot.
Will You Be My Valentine?
Through all the craziness I’m so happy to call Mr. Pantry, and all of you, my Valentines. ❤️
How Do You Handle Valentine’s Day?
How do you handle the holiday? What makes you happy? Leave a comment and let me know!
Andrea says
This Valentine’s Day would have been my Beloved’s 61st Birthday. He died last year after a 2 1/2 year battle with metastatic pancreatic cancer. It will be my first Valentine’s Day without him in 40 years. I miss him every day. I imagine there will be lots of tears this year as I think of all the plans, dreams, hopes we shared that now will never be realized. The gifts, hugs, kisses, affirmations I long to lavish on him as I have done for the last 40 years. How do I continue to celebrate Valentine’s Day when my soulmate was taken from me way too soon? How do I commemorate a day that is now just a reminder of all that I’ve lost?
Elana says
Andrea, I have spent the last two years dealing with breast cancer. It has been hard. Not nearly as difficult as what you are dealing with. I am sending you a big hug, every day <3
Alexandra S. says
Hi Elana, from a high school classmate. (Came across your website–a friend of my daughter’s is gluten-free.) Valentine’s Day is not a big deal for my family (we exchange cards, but I tell my husband, “bring me flowers any other day, but not February 14”). My high school math teacher died four years ago on February 14 and ever since I honor her memory and the light she shone into my life by baking heart-shaped cookies (or appropriately vegan/GF heart-shaped sweets) for all my students. Love takes many forms, and it’s something you can pass along.
Cook in good health.
Elana says
Alexandra, what an amazing comment with such beautiful sentiments! What year did you graduate from DHS? Hugs to you :-)
Alexandra Schmidt says
Class of ’85. Page 185 in the Blue & White, you’ll find me.
Elana says
Alexandra, I will have to have my Mom and Dad send me my yearbook! I worked on yearbook staff –what were you into? Sorry to not have better recollection, my memory is a bit of a disaster :-)
Dawn says
We are empty nesters too with youngest away in college. We don’t enjoy the crowded overpriced restaurant experience for V’day so we made an extra special dinner and dessert and watched a movie at home. As time goes on you realize what is most important. We both agree that this is much more enjoyable.
We prefer experiences (concerts or day trips) where we can enjoy time together rather than gifts neither of us need.
Elana says
Dawn, love everything you wrote –we are totally on the same page as you and your partner :-)
Laura says
I made my Boopie a card with two intertwining hearts, he loved it.
Elana says
Laura, that’s awesome!
Ermelinda DeMaio says
I’m pretty particular about my gifts! Especially flowers. I don’t need anything so I love the hunt to pick out my gifts. So for the last few years, my new tradition on Valentine’s Day, wedding anniversaries, and birthdays, basically any day that my husband might want to buy me flowers, goes like this… He drives me to my favorite flower market place, and I pick all my favorites in season, or maybe something new and different, and I have the wonderful people at Bi-rite in SF,arrange them and pack up my gorgeous flowers that I love even more because I got to pick them out myself. I always feel so Parisian when I walk away! A win-win for both of us. He doesn’t get sucked into last-minute deliveries services online. I get to pick the very best fresh flowers! And I never disappoint myself!
Elana says
Ermelinda, what a great tradition! And I love that you get to do it with your sweetheart :-)
Susan says
I lost the love of my life to cancer about 18 months ago, so this year I sent Valentines to all my widowed and single friends. I’m so thankful for their love and support!
Elana says
Susan, my heart goes out to you. And I’m so glad to hear you have a loving support system :-)
Lauren says
I have tears in my eyes. This was a beautiful, wonderful thing to do — celebrating love, in all it’s forms, especially the love of friendship! And, to open an actual mailbox and find a “love note” would make me feel extra special.
Elana says
Thanks Lauren! I totally agree :-)
Shelley Gage says
Elana we find the crowded restaurants, on Valentine’s day, anything but romantic! This year we ordered Chinese food delivered and also spent time together watching our current binge. Couldn’t have thought of a more perfect way to spend the day. We feel Valentine’s is way overrated and choose to celebrate our relationship more than one designated day. Thank you for all you do, I have admired you for years !
Elana says
Shelley, I know! Loud, expensive, crowded restaurants are not romantic in any way to me either! What is your latest binge? I’m looking for more good shows :-)
Shelley Gage says
Elana, replying to your question about our latest tv binge… so we are watching The Sheild, on Hulu. We’ve really been loving the police shows. Gotta have something fun to pass the cold weather!
Elana says
Shelley, that sounds amazing! Did you ever watch The Wire? It’s one of our faves :-)
Mary Himmer says
We don’t make a big deal of Valentine’s day in our family either. We know we love each other. And this year I was down with a bug, and it was just so reassuring that I didn’t have to pretend to feel better than I did, but could simply focus on getting well instead. We love each other and enjoy each other’s company and that is where it counts rather than in the superficial.
Elana says
Mary, thanks for your comment! Couldn’t agree with you more :-)