This Roasted Banana Coconut Ice Cream is naturally-sweetened, vegan, gluten-free and made with only five ingredients (don’t be scared by all the descriptors). I’ve based this healthy ice cream recipe on one from Karina’s Kitchen.
This ice cream is fairly easy to make; there are just a couple of steps involved. And I can tell you Roasted Banana Coconut Ice Cream is mighty tasty and my children love it –we hid it from my husband because we wanted more for the three of us –he’s been traveling a ton, so it was easy to keep it a secret.
Roasted Banana Coconut Ice Cream
- 4-5 medium bananas, sliced into 1" pieces
- 2 dates (remove pits) and chopped
- 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
- 2 tablespoon coconut oil
- 1 can full fat coconut milk, 13.5 ounce
- Place bananas and dates in a 7 x 11 inch baking dish
- Drizzle with vanilla and coconut oil
- Bake at 375°F for 35 to 45 minutes, until bananas begin to caramelize and smell fragrant
- Place banana fixins and coconut milk in vitamix and puree on highest setting until smooth
- Place mixture in ice cream maker and freeze according to directions
- Top with nuts, berries or sprinkles and serve
I hope you all enjoy this quick and easy, healthy frozen dessert recipe. I love that it meets the needs of of people on gluten-free and dairy-free diets. If you’re wondering how to make ice cream without an ice cream maker, see my quick and easy 2-Ingredient Banana Ice Cream recipe.
I am very happy to announce that I have been chosen as Chef of the Month by The Organic Dish. They are a business that creates ready to eat meals from organic and farm fresh ingredients and the owners are amazing, fabulous people.
For July, (amongst their many other delicious entrees) they are featuring my Roasted Salmon with Anchovy Olive Tapenade. Beckie, the owner, asked me to contribute this recipe since wild salmon is in peak season during July. This is the way these people think and I like it!
During my visits to the Organic Dish, just around the corner from Whole Foods and Vitamin Cottage in Boulder, I picked up some other meals in order to get an idea of their food. My children scarfed everything I brought home, especially the latkes.
Thanks Beckie and Toby. I think your zero waste business using organic ingredients is a fantastic model and I love working with you!
Lara says
Sounds incredible – but I’m so sad for your husband! Can’t believe you guys would hoard all the frosty banana goodness while he’s out busting his butt (and getting excluded). Please go whip up a batch for the poor guy, stat!
dibster says
This is AMAZING !!! HIGHLY recommend !
Joan Olsen says
Don’t know what to do here. Would like to know how to get your Recipe Book. Love all these Ice Creams.
Angela says
My only suggestion is that if you make this recipe, you should probably refrigerate the banana coconut mixture after you blend it. Most ice cream machines require the ice cream bar to be refrigerated for several hours before being churned. My ice cream base was more than warm because of the hot bananas.
MamaCassi says
made this last night as a warm banana pudding.
um, WOW!
good to know about freezing and reblending for ice cream in Vita-Mix. but wanted to say that i cut back on liquids (only used 3 bananas and a scoop of coconut cream and enough coconut milk to blend) then let it blend til smooth and rich and creamy and it was warm banana pudding only lacking little nilla wafers to bring me back to one of my favorite childhood desserts (that i’d forgotten completely til last night!)
in case anyone doesn’t want a cold dessert!
Tiffany says
Hi, I’m planning on making this recipe this week… but I was wondering how many servings it makes? Thanks!
Sha King says
Thank you for your idea,
was making this recipe always, but never roasted bananas.
tried it post Christmas, added some holiday spices omitted the walnuts it was delicious.
Elana thanks a million
Happy Holidays
Claire says
Would this work with almond milk? Im intolerant to coconut. :(
Claire says
It is SO good! You can’t make this kind of ice cream, because the ingredients you use have to be frozen. But I make a strawberry ice cream that is to die for made out of frozen strawberries, agave, vanilla extract and just a little bit of almond milk. It’s delicious! I’m sure you could make this same kind with any other fruit too in the vitamix! Yes, the vitamix is WORTH it! It’s so fun and helpful! I make smoothies almost every morning for breakfast now, since it’s so easy and fast to make. Also, it makes great nut milk (though you still need to strain it through a towel or nut-milk bag). Vitamixes are also great for making soups! I highly recommend it!!
Cat says
Hello! I have heard that the Vita-Mix can also make ice cream. I don’t have an ice cream maker but have been thinking about buying a Vita-Mix. Has anyone had experience with making ice cream in the Vita-Mix and if so, how did it turn out? Was it solid and creamy? Thanks!
Queen Jelly Bean says
Yes – i make vitamix ice cream this way … After you blend the ingredients in this recipe … Pour it into ice cube trays. When the cubes are frozen you cam blend them in the vitamix for ice cream – to be served immediately and not stored. Thanks to someone who commented somewhere at Elana’s pantry, I’ve been making all of her ice cream recipes this way, and happily avoided the cost of buying yet another kitchen appliance, the ice cream maker.