Oven Roasted Broccoli is a quick, easy and super healthy dish for your entire family.
I returned home from Blogher Food 2010 yesterday and found that the seasons had changed during the mere 4 days I was out of town. It now seems to actually be fall here in Boulder, which means it is the perfect weather for roasting vegetables.
My boys inhale this naturally gluten free roasted broccoli dish whenever I make it. Their friend Josh has been known to eat the entire tray of broccoli just minutes before dinner, leaving me with only one green veggie dish to serve instead of two (I usually also make kale chips when I serve this as green veggies are a main part of what we eat every night here).
Oven Roasted Broccoli
- 1 bunch broccoli
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- ½ teaspoon celtic sea salt
- Wash and cut broccoli into smallish pieces with long stems
- Toss broccoli in a large bowl with olive oil and salt
- Spread broccoli out on a parchment paper lined baking sheet
- Bake at 400°F for 12-15 minutes until tender and slightly browned
- Serve
This quick and easy roasted broccoli is also delicious dipped in my Tangy Peanut Sauce.
On a final note, I don’t know if any of you remember the Gluten Free Rosemary Cracker recipe I created for the Almond Board of California during my satellite media tour back in June. Well, I recently received the video they took of me making these scrumptious little gluten free crackers. I would love to share it with you below!
cedarglen says
Love it! Despite the jerky-comments of GB41, Broc is one of my favorite veggies. Darn near any prep/dish is fine with me, as long as it is not overcooked. Confession time: Broccoli make me feel like a man .
Yup, roasting with a bit of OO and (or not) an herb is great, but far to easy to over cook. Keep a very close eye on it!
As a soup ingredient: Super. As the primary ingredient: A bit strong for soup, but…
My favoite and most common prep: (I know is is is ordinary, but damn it, I LIKE it this way.) Steamed, to crisp/cooked, with a small bit of butter and ANY vinegar that suits the taste. I’ve tried perhaps 15 vinegars and I cannot pick a favorite as I like them all. A few unusual vinegars kept for only Broccoli use.
Heads Up for some folks: Some of the Europan states have very strict rules about “Vinegar.” If not this or that, or not having a certain acid content, it cannot be called “Vinegar.” In France, the less than qualified products are often called “Condiment” or Condiment Sauce.” I wish that we had more of them in Amerika! Good, tasty vinegar does not necessarily have to pull your cheeks together or clear your nasal passages! Much lighter vinegar-like preps and great in cooking and especially for salads. While I am one who likes a serious bite, to command the good EVOO, some ligher stuff is very nice. THe big issue is acid, Amerikan hovers around 5%. Ligher stuff is difficult to find and YES, it is a whole lot more that just dilutingit a bit. Dilution can help, but it is not the whole story. Vinegar is a worthy contribution to some dishes and far more important than just the acid bite.
Wake up, Amerika! Do you really want to settle for Kraft Mac & Cheese, of the Ammonia sanitized ‘meat’ from McD’s? No matter how big your rush, or how small your budget, you CAN eat better. It really is possible to eat well and for so much less. Please try.
Kara says
This is so excellent! I hope it’s okay, I linked your recipe on my blog because I wanted to be sure to credit you for part of tonight’s dinner inspiration.My youngest asked for seconds! Here’s the link- http://zebramama.blogspot.com/2010/10/some-dinner-ideas.html
michelle says
Roasted broccoli is the best! I just love roasting vegetables in general. It brings out more flavor and crispiness that you can’t get any other way!
Crystal Dodson says
I have never had roasted broccoli before but I tried it and fell in love with it! Both my toddlers even ate it. Amazing! Thanks so much for sharing. I think I am craving broccoli now. :)
KellyBelly says
I just placed my order today for 20# of almond flour. Those crackers look like they will be added to my list of what to make.
Also these simple reminders of roasting broccoli (instead of steamed for me all the time) are nice to see on your site.
Robin in Washington says
Great video Elana! I love your foods!
MaryBeth Matthews says
I remember those crackers! I eat them all the time, and friends and neighbors always want more!
I’m still mastering the rolling technique, though. Yours look so perfect.
Thanks for sharing the video.
Kelly says
Hey Elana! Where all did you go on your “satellite media tour”? Or did I miss that post?
You look so pretty in your video!
Gluten Free Nomad says
This is really timely, Elana!
We’ve been eating a ton of broccoli lately, but haven’t been very creative with it. I totally forgot about roasted and grilled broccoli. Thanks for the reminder, and it’s time to check out your kale chips, too…
Isabelle Norris says
Thank you for the video and all the hard work to share delicious recipes with us.