This julienne slicer is the tool that changed my life. I love to chop, and I can chop very well. I am able to slice vegetables quite thin and enjoy doing so; I find this practice meditative, in fact.
However, this julienne peeler has revolutionized chopping in my kitchen. Before I had it I was not able to slice carrots so delicately. My children love to eat the veggies that I slice with this kitchen tool. Try it yourself. You just might have a new favorite toy!
Today was very busy. I was interviewed on 9 News this morning and had a lot of fun with the host Denise discussing my gluten free cookbook and the goodies that I brought on set. Unfortunately, I do not have the link to this segment yet.
I also was happy to see my book, The Gluten-Free Almond Flour Cookbook reviewed on one of my favorite web sites this past weekend,! That was a wonderful surprise.
If you’re on Facebook, come on over and take a look at the Elana’s Pantry page.
Alta says
I have an OXO julienne peeler, and it’s the greatest “gadget” I’ve ever had! (I’m not much for gadgets, and much prefer just using my chef’s knife, generally) It’s great.
Emily says
Elana this sounds very handy! Thanks for sharing a great kitchen find with us. I also am curious about what other veggies this can slice; I do hope more share their experiences. Does it slice zucc’s as nicely as those carrots? I think I will put this on my Christmas Wish List, it looks fun! Anyone know of a good mandolin as well? Or are they a waste of space/money?
Take care :)
Lisa Torres says
Yes, Everyone please tell us which brand you like best…I have one I got in Rome last October and it has had it…starting to fall apart.. I havent seen anything here that I like…
gfe-gluten free easily says
Looks like a tool I must buy! I must be really tired this evening. I read this title in my email and thought this was a post about a person named Julienne Slicer. LOL Lovely name, don’t you think? Sort of Halloweenesque … scary style. ;-)
Love all the publicity you are getting on your cookbook. My two readers who won your cookbook are just tickled pink! :-)
Emily says
Lol Shirley! This comment about “Julienne Slicer” made me laugh outloud :) I needed that today!!!
JM Shephard says
Can you please tell us where to find this julienne slicer? Thank you!
~M says
Hi Elana!
Congrats on your news segment!
How does this handheld slicer compare to the shredder disk on the Cuisinart?
Cook 4 Seasons says
Oh, I love the handheld part! Sometimes the mandoline can be so cumbersome.
Looking forward to watching your TV segment, et. al!
Joey says
I just got myself a tiny metal julienne slicer and I love it. Even my DH loves it. He asks me to do his veggies in his salad this way, he says the dressing clings to them better. Who knew :)
Joey says
My Julienne peeler is a Swiss Pro (made in Switzerland) that’s all is says on the side of it. It is metal and is just under 4 1/2 inches long. It also has a little piece of metal as a hook to hang it up. It is comfortable in my hand and is very sharp and always works good.
gfveg says
hi elana–i LOVE my little hand shredder. it looks a bit different than yours but i think it basically does the same job. just used mine tonight for carrot in my salad but have a post i was working on just yesterday about using it with zucchini. must be in the air!
Kelly says
Hey Almond Lady,
You ROCK! Congrats on all of the great publicity! :)