Garlic oil? Made in mere minutes? Why yes. This quick and easy gluten free oil recipe can add sophisticated flavor to vegetables, fish or chicken.
I’m especially enjoying feeding it to my family during cold season since garlic is a great natural anti-biotic and immune booster. Don’t let the health benefits fool you though, this is one tasty treat.
Quick and Easy Gourmet Garlic Oil
- 1 head garlic, peeled
- ½ cup olive oil
- Place garlic and olive oil in saucepan on the stove and bring to a simmer
- Reduce heat to low and allow oil to cook until garlic begins to turn golden brown, about 10-20 minutes
- Watch carefully to make sure it doesn't burn
- Serve both oil and cloves over your favorite foods
The photo above was taken midway through the process of cooking the garlic in the oil. By the time it’s done mine is a bit more browned than this.
This garlic oil is especially delicious over green veggies. My favorite way to serve it is over grilled broccoli or steamed kale. My younger son inhales it!
How will you serve this garlic oil? Let us count the ways.
Nicole Nicolau says
pourriez _vous me dire comment faire de l4huile de citron
Elana says
Nicole, I haven’t tried that so not sure :-)
Oonagh says
I buy a big container of fresh peeled raw garlic at Costco (comes from California, not China, I’m not risking those). Cook half the container in olive oil, very slowly, until totally soft and squishy on top of the stove, then I puree the cloves with as much olive oil as it needs to turn into smooth puree, then I freeze it in silicon mini muffin pans, pop out once frozen and freeze in ziploc. don’t try using pan for cakes etc even after washing. Add roasted garlic lumps to mashed potatoes, salad dressings, dips etc. Remainder of raw garlic I also puree with fresh olive oil and freeze same way. I would be very reluctant to keep even cooked garlic and remainder of olive oil in fridge for more than a week due to botulism. Better safe than sorry. I’ve warned many people of this danger.
Sean says
Agree with what Tom said — garlic in oil can cause botulism; this is also why things made with garlic (like pasta sauce) must be pressure-canned instead of just water-bath canning. If you take the garlic out within 3 hours, you can still use the oil.
SherryQ says
Yumola!!! We do this with annatto seeds to toast our rice before we cook it (very yum and pretty), but now I am so excited to make garlic oil – dribbled over kale sounds perfect! Thank you :)
tom says
A word of warning – Garlic in oil is a prime breeding ground for the bacterium that causes botulism (Clostridium Botulinum). I would make really really sure that the garlic is well cooked, and don’t keep it around too long. It should definitely be refrigerated. Better yet, make only what you need and use it immediately.
Ruth says
And here’s a recipe for lemon olive oil I’ve used,
and loved. I’ve even used it to make lemon sesame oil.
I store my lemon sesame/olive oil in the refrigerator, and it does indeed turn into a brick. But not a solid brick. It’s really easy to spoon out what I need to saute shrimp. I use the lemon olive oil as salad dressing, since I have a brewer’s yeast allergy and must avoid all vinegar when I can.
Susan says
Yep, I would love to know how to store this, since in the fridge it would turn into a brick. A yummy brick, but still. :)
Chiara says
This sounds like serious yum! How long would this keep, if I didn’t use all at a time? Would you store in the frig or at room temp?
VeggieGirl says
I LOOOOVE garlic!!
~M says
My savta and husband would love this! Does the garlic get soft and melty by the end, or does it retain a crunch? Also, about how many cloves are in an average head of garlic, in case my savta wants to get the pre-peeled garlic (she has bad arthritis)? Thanks!